Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

I was shuffling my deck today, not inspired to do any type of reading with it, wondering if shuffling would be the solitary bonding event of the day. But I was struck out of nowhere with the phrase, "the good, the bad and the ugly" and thought I'd make a spread of it. So here it is... the good, bad and ugly about yours truly.

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

I find it amusing (in a slightly pathetic way) that the bad and ugly are Majors.

The Good
IIII Coppe
In this card I see a woman who adapts well to any situation thrown her way. Dinner party at the last minute and nothing to wear? I'll just throw this scarf around myself and call it a saucy toga party. Bad hair day? I'll don this distracting vase atop my head and no one will notice my hair. This woman is a chameleon who can quickly and easily adapt to her surroundings. That is something I have always been able to do. I don't scare easy when change is imminent. I roll with the punches, go with the flow. And because of this, I have been able to have many life adventures I wouldn't otherwise have been able to experience. (Though I must say I have not yet attended a saucy toga party, and pretty much glad about missing out on that one.)

The Bad
Il Matto
The Fool in this deck focuses more on the insanity aspect of this guy, rather than the free spirited perspective. The card is subtitled "Madness". I can definitely see how other people can view me as being "mad". Not angry, mind you, but Mad Hatter type mad. I follow the beat of my own drum, sure, but this card is saying it's a "bad" mad. So I look at Il Matto and see that he is completely unprepared for his adventures. There can't possibly be enough provisions in his sack for even a day's outing. He is barefoot. He ran off in such haste that he didn't remember to put on shoes. He is not going to get very far before he has to either turn around or improvise along the way. I am not good at planning ahead, for certain. I don't have a financial safety net, in case of emergencies. I don't have back up plans for anything I do. Heck, I usually don't even have a Plan A, let alone a Plan B. I let the wind take me where it will most of the time, and I can definitely see now how this could very well be a bad thing. This was a good kick in the pants, and has definitely got me thinking.

The Ugly
Ha! I had to laugh when I saw this turn up here. I am, and always have been, a hermit. I love being alone. I love reading. I love spending quiet time away from small talk and lame conversation. I am not a social butterfly. I would much rather sit at home, curled up with a good book alone than going to a party surrounded by strangers. And as this is what I personally enjoy, it's all good on my end. However, I know it bothers other people, though I don't know why. Whenever I have lived with other people (roommates, family) I have received derogatory comments about holing up in my bedroom. Every so often there would be a day where I would only emerge for meals, and I would receive the "Wow, you're alive?!" comment. This really irks people for some reason. I don't know if it offends them, or they just think I'm weird, but it's generally not something people are comfortable with. In fact, I've had people get downright pissy with me about it, which is bizarre to me. I just don't prefer to be surrounded by people every waking moment. That hardly puts me on the Unabomber end of the recluse spectrum. However, from this reading, I can see that this Hermit side of me is something others consider an ugly trait. Hmmph. Good to know, I guess, but still not my problem. I can live with being an ugly hermit from time to time. It's much preferable than being phony, attempting to socialize more than I want to, just to please others.

Random PDR Update: I have indeed used this deck every day so far this year (which hasn't been very hard, considering it's only been five days). I have used it for readings for myself, as well as two client readings. I have a document saved to my laptop desktop (for easy reference) where I enter a brief one-line update on how I used the deck each day. It will be interesting, I think, to look back on that at the end of the year, as I won't be blogging on a daily basis.


Angela said...

I received my own Tarot of the Master, and wasn't sure what to make of the Four of Cups. I keep forgetting that it can stand for emotional stability (I usually see it as depression of disinterest).

I smiled when I saw the title of your post; The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, is technically my parent's 'song', according to my mother. They went to see the movie on their first date. :)

Anonymous said...

Your description of the 3/C is hilarious! Saucy toga parties, my word ;)

I see the attitude to life you've ascribed to the 3/C and The Fool to be 2 sides to the same coin. The adaptability of the 3 fits someone who doesn't take plans too seriously, but as you said, maybe a little more planning wouldn't be a completely bad thing (says she who is just as "immune" to things like that).

Funny how people can object to your Hermit behaviour. I think far too many people can't imagine being by themselves ie. WITH themselves, sans mindless distractions for any length of time. The fact that you can, is scary to them. It's like looking into a magic mirror and seeing the worst of yourself there.

Leigh/BlueDragonfly said...

I've got to agree with submerina about the 3 of Cups/Fool being 2 sides of the same coin.

And from one hermit to another-I completely understand. I'd rather "stick my head in a book"(quote from roommate) than watch the same comedy re-run for the umpteenth time, or listen to the same stories over and over as my brain cells shrivel and wither away....lol

Kiki said...

Angela... The thing is, with this deck, you don't have to "remember" what the Four of Cups "means", because this deck was published before the RWS, so you are free of those learned "meanings". So it can mean whatever you think it means, whatever you happen to see or intuit in the moment. The beauty of this deck, and why I chose it for my PDR, is that with the Minors, I see different things in them every time I use it. There was no literature printed with this deck, so we are free to apply our own meanings to the cards, which can vary with each reading.

Kiki said...

submerina & Leigh:

Yes, I saw that too, the good and the bad being two different facets of the same aspect in my life.

And thanks for the lovely Hermit support! LOL
